Time & Attendance

Time Key combines simplicity for users with advanced possibilities for the administrator to set up complex working time rules.

Attendance/absence management within the framework of Swedish collective agreements is an area that requires a competent tool. Time Key makes management efficient and rational.

User-friendly interfaces for quick and easy booking in and out on touchscreen, web or mobile. All information is processed by the underlying framework (configured according to each customer's needs) and is directly available for real-time presentation.
Time Key is a deviation-based time system. The point of this is that only bookings that are outside the configured limits of the rules lead to additional registration of the reason for deviation.

Time Key contains all the necessary tools to administer working time rules. For the administrator of the system, changes are easy to make and a change in a rule has an immediate impact on everyone affected.

Time Key combines simplicity for users with advanced possibilities for the administrator to set up complex rules. With its built-in flexibility, Time Key can handle all collective agreements such as the Steel and Metal Agreement, the Technology Agreement, Almega Industry, Allochemical Industry, Graphic Industry, IKEM, Pulp and Paper Industry, Sawmill Agreement, Port and Stevedoring Agreement, Warehouse and E-commerce, etc. in combination with locally negotiated deviations.

An advanced authorisation system ensures that each user has access to relevant programmes/functions. Web interfaces and mobile apps for time registration are available in various complementary variants. Subsequent booking and administration of your own time or deviation reporting or real-time booking. 

The authorisation process is streamlined and focuses on user-defined deviations. Only deviations are subject to control and authorisation, as all other values remain within the permitted limits.

Time Key is always put in context with surrounding systems such as payroll, HRM/HCM, ERP, etc. Time Key is designed to communicate with relevant external systems.